Infant Program

Infant Daycare Programs in San Francisco at C5

C5 Children’s School provides expert care and nurturing in an environment rich with multi-sensory materials and experiences for your child to choose as they are ready and inclined that result in their optimal learning and development as they become powerful self-directed and collaborative participants.

We will be privileged to enroll and work with you and your infant child.

san francisco infant daycare developing independent learning skills by exploring environments

Our expert care and development program lays an exceptional foundation for optimal lifelong learning and for comprehensive social, emotional, cognitive and physical development; leading to life-long academic and social success!

Our expert care and development program lays an exceptional foundation for optimal lifelong learning and for comprehensive social, emotional, cognitive and physical development; leading to life-long academic and social success!

Our Infant Center

In our beautiful, environmentally friendly center in the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) Building, your child will have expert nurturing and care from our highly competent and experienced staff members. They are trained in comprehensive infant and toddler development and learning and C5’s exemplary practices that include influences from the RIE approach and the WestEd’s and California Department of Education’s Program for Infant Toddlers.

Older infants drumming

Our primary teacher to child ratio is intentionally low, at 1:3 or lower.

Our primary teacher to child ratio is intentionally low, at 1:3 or lower.

Our Teachers
& Philosophies

Our primary teacher to child ratio is intentionally low, at 1:3 or lower. California Licensing specifies a higher ratio of 1:4. There are only 10 infants in our Infant Classroom and a team of four teachers. Each child has a primary teacher. The emphasis is on helping your child to feel safe and to comfortably adapt a secure attachment to their primary teacher, the teaching team, and the classroom.

In addition, we have an autonomous teacher who supplements the teaching team in the classroom. There are also other resource staff members who assist when necessary or desired, including Head Teachers, our Curriculum  Specialist, the Center Director, and C5’s Director of Learning.

Some of our philosophy and practice influences come from world famous sources. They include those offered by the Program for Infant-Toddler Care (PITC) that is developed and provided by the collaboration of the California Department of Education and the Western Regional Educational Laboratory (WestEd). Another includes selected elements from the Resources for Infant Educarers (RIE). Another significant influence is the world famous pre-primary schools in Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Infants and food explorations

We work closely with you and your family to:

  • Accommodate your infant in a manner compatible with your family patterns
  • Gently phase her or him into the program over a week or more
  • Coordinating with you to come in to view or be with your child when you desire
  • Guide you on his or her current schedule, including for eating, napping, and toileting
  • Maintain frequent and daily contact with you thorough a variety of timely hand-written, oral, and electronic communications
  • Help your child to feel safe and to be safe in the new setting
  • Support them in developing appropriate attachment to their primary teacher and to the teaching team in the classroom
  • Provide the conditions for your child to develop optimally in their own way and in their own time
  • Continue to work closely with you on emerging issues for your child that are challenges and/or opportunities

Infant Development Programs in San Francisco, CA - C5 Children's School

We have extensive experience in working with:

  • First-time parents
  • Families who are having their second or third infant
  • Families with a sibling in the program
  • Twins
  • Families of children with special developmental issues
Infant interacting with a book

If you have any unique requests or general questions regarding our infant care or infant development program in San Francisco, CA, you are welcome to contact us today!

If you have any unique requests or general questions regarding our infant care or infant development program in San Francisco, CA, you are welcome to contact us today!