
Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum

Our curriculum emphasizes building strong interpersonal relationships, and we consider all children from birth to be competent, creative, and powerful beings. They are already powerful learners, and they are constantly creating meaning out of their environment as their bodies grow and develop through their senses. The following terms capture the broad categories of our program emphasis:

  • Partnership with Children
  • Child-Centered
  • Child-Directed
  • Teacher Facilitated
  • Reggio-Inspired 
  • Family Supported
  • Emergent Curriculum
  • Inquiry Driven
  • Play-Influenced
  • In-Depth Explorations
  • Project Based Approach

Our Methods

Our methods result in comprehensive caring and nurturing for each child and in unique learning that is appropriate for each child’s age and developmental levels. Our teaching strategies rely primarily on an equitable partnership with each child within an emergent curriculum, featuring in-depth explorations for all ages and including a multi-media project approach that is more pronounced as children get older and enter our preschool and pre-kindergarten programs.

It is based on the continuous examination of each child’s developmental levels and readiness and emphasizes each child exploring and expressing their emerging inclinations, fascinations, interests, and enthusiasms. The program includes rich materials environments, varied groupings of children, and a team of exceptionally well educated, trained, and experienced professionals who collaborate with children and families to accomplish the desired development and learning for each child.

Our Methods

Our methods result in comprehensive caring and nurturing for each child and in unique learning that is appropriate for each child’s age and developmental levels. Our teaching strategies rely primarily on an equitable partnership with each child within an emergent curriculum, featuring in-depth explorations for all ages and including a multi-media project approach that is more pronounced as children get older and enter our preschool and pre-kindergarten programs.

It is based on the continuous examination of each child’s developmental levels and readiness and emphasizes each child exploring and expressing their emerging inclinations, fascinations, interests, and enthusiasms. The program includes rich materials environments, varied groupings of children, and a team of exceptionally well educated, trained, and experienced professionals who collaborate with children and families to accomplish the desired development and learning for each child.

Emergent Curriculum

At C5, children’s interests, fascinations, developmental issues, and family cultures are the primary vehicle for immediate, complex, comprehensive, and sustained learning and development.

Emergent Curriculum

At C5, children’s interests, fascinations, developmental issues, and family cultures are the primary vehicle for immediate, complex, comprehensive, and sustained learning and development. Our Director of Learning, Joe Wiseman, says,

“What emerges from each child becomes the curriculum.” and . . . “The curriculum walks in the door every day.”