Special Events

C5 Was Voted #1

C5 was voted as the Number 1, Gold, Best of the Best Preschools in San Francisco and Marin County in a survey conducted by the Bay Area parent Magazine in 2018 and 2019. Then, the Coronavirus pandemic arrived. We still provide the same high quality program that was voted on prior to the outbreak.

Tours of Our Centers

Public Group Tours are available during our Open House sessions for families who are interested in enrollment. They are usually held once each month on Sundays. You are welcome to sign up online.

Private tours are also available. Simply apply online to be considered for enrollment, pay the $75 application fee, and call for a private interview and tour for you and your spouse.

tour groups get questions answered and view actual center facilities

Special Recognition

We received special recognition from California State Assemblyman David Chiu for our leadership in producing a Festival of Learning for 11 years. At that time, our festival was being replicated in part by over 20 early care and learning programs in the city.

government acknowledgement

Professionals Group Tour

On Monday, August 10th, a local Infant-Toddler Program staff all came to C5 for their professional development day and spent two hours with Joe Wiseman, our Director of Learning, for in-depth question and answer periods and his guided tours of both centers.



Annual Picnic

Our Annual Picnic is usually scheduled for August each year. A popular venue has been the Julius Kahn Park in San Francisco’s Presidio. The event is a highlight for socializing and bringing together families, staff members from both centers and classrooms, trying out a diverse array of foods and drinks, and playing on one of the best playgrounds in the city.

C5 families gather for food, socializing, play, games, and welcoming new families.

Fall Family Festival

Parents form a committee and make their own unique plan to organize and conduct this special event each year. It is usually scheduled for October. It typically includes a large potluck, healthy food prepared by the preschool children, and a wide range of activities, displays, singing, and socializing among families and staff.

The annual Fall Family Festival features healthy food prepared by the preschool children and a pumpkin patch and games and music into the evening.

Music Together Three-Day Teacher Training

C5 has hosted many Music Together three-day teacher training sessions in our conference center and/or cafeteria. This photo features Deanna Decampos, Music Together’s Director of Education, who came from New York City to conduct the comprehensive 28-hour training. Music educators from around the Bay Region attended. C5 places our teachers with musical ability in the sessions. Three of our teachers are in the training shown here. Once our teachers are trained, they conduct weekly Music Together sessions in our classrooms and activity areas. Once we clear the pandemic and the local and state health departments allow, we expect to phase back in Music Together’s world famous programs with all children and families as part of regular tuition.



Parents Night Out

Parents have the opportunity on select evenings during the year to leave their children at the Center with C5 teachers and staff while they take an evening on the town. Some parents go on a date together, some do special shopping, others visit museums or parks, some join other couples, and others find creative things to do. The children are served a healthy meal and have special activities. Getting to wear pajamas at school is a much anticipated part of the evening. These are scheduled when demand peaks; usually about twice a year.


Children stay after the regular day to play in their pajamas, eat healthy snacks, and watch children's movies while their parents go out on the town.

Imagination Workshop

On Saturday, during our annual Festival of Learning in May, over 100 parents, family members, educators, and members of the community explored how children’s imaginations contribute to their social, emotional, intellectual and physical development.

They also saw the amazing exhibit of children’s work from all age groups, infants through pre-kindergarten, in the Great Hall.

They toured the Preschool Center classrooms.

Refreshments and Networking Began at 8:30 am.

Individuals interested in participating registered online and completed a brief survey on a link there. They used the results of the survey in the workshop.

Door prizes were also given to attendees and included four HP 3-in-1 Color Printers, high quality art supplies, and an array of other prizes.

The Imagination Workshop was part of our four week-long Festival of Learning: “Dreaming and Doing – The Power of Collaborating Teams and Individual Imagination” celebrating children and their work with teachers, parents, and community members that was available to the public from May 1—24, 2012.

At the workshop, educators, parents, and community members explored their perspectives and experiences of how children using their imaginations impacts how they learn and develop socially, emotionally, intellectually, and physically. The influences of the Reggio Emilia approach, an emergent curriculum, and a project emphasis were some of the examples examined in addition to others that were introduced by participants.

For fun and for building an identity along the lines of their interest in a discussion topic, participants were invited to come dressed in the colors that represented the learning domain that they chose in their registration material to explore at the workshop. We saw a rainbow of colors and varied interests being actively demonstrated in the room!

At the workshop, the discussion groups formed and explored how imagination affects their chosen domain. They referenced the survey material sent in ahead of the workshop for their domain, and prepared a report to present to the whole group. The whole group heard each report, and the workshop facilitators responded to each report, stimulated further discussion, and introduced information from their own experiences. The workshop hosts summarized, gave out the door prizes, and led a transition to touring the exhibit of children’s work and the C5 Children’s School Preschool Center classrooms.

You are invited to join us each year in May for other exciting and informative seminars and workshops on other topics related to children’s optimal growth, learning, and development!