
Experience Parts of a Day at C5 Children’s School

Our instructional staff members, parents, and children all take occasional videos that represent some of the ordinary moments in the program, as well as some of the dynamics of the activities around in-depth explorations, projects, visits from family members participating in those activities, and a few of the many special events that are part of the program every year.

Sharing Key Moments of Every Day with Families

The videos appear in the Daily Stories, along with annotated photographs, comments from parents and extended family members, and a written account of what happened during key moments each day.

Children engage in explorations along lines of their personal and group interests. Their hands-on multi-sensory and multi-media investigations follow organic paths that last for weeks and months. They often evolve into complex projects and have spin-off interests that one or more children follow to what are natural conclusions for them.

Various forms of documentation, including photographing and videoing, are integral parts of our program and are carried out by children and adults. Documentation by note taking, audio recording, photographing, and videoing and by reviewing those materials, the children realize that they are appreciated, better understood, respected, and are conducting valuable activities that are worth recording and examining later for extended learning and for sharing with others, such as parents and extended family members, to include them in the process.

We have extensive guidelines and equipment for documenting, and we share examples of what we do with children and families, and we share elements of what we have learned from the ongoing process with our colleagues and others in the broad community. Our hope is that it will help to inform families in choosing an appropriate early childhood program for their family and in influencing other early care and learning programs and their communities to work on doing more and better for young children.