“My children were at C5 from 6 months of age until they went into kindergarten. They are now in 4th and 6th grade. I trace much of the reason for their being good students and interested learners in their experience at C5. They are both very musical, inquisitive, and really love to get deep into a subject. They’re also just sweet human beings who care about other people and treat people with kindness and respect.
My daughter is still close with several of the friends she made at C5; they are lifelong friends. It’s almost like they went through an intense experience together and they bonded deeply.
If there’s a moment where they’re being asked to be creative, to come up with a new idea or a new plan or develop a project, my children are right there, they are just immediately able to engage. I don’t see that so much with other kids. My kids are right there and bursting with ideas. And they do it at home, too, it’s not just at school. They’re both incredibly creative.”